Pre Appointment Instructions

Thank you for booking an appointment to view our new home model! We’re excited to show you around and help you envision your future in one of our homes. To ensure you have a productive and enjoyable visit, please take note of the following pre-appointment instructions:

1. Confirmation:

Please confirm your appointment by replying to this email or giving us a call at least 24 hours before your scheduled visit. This allows us to make any necessary arrangements and ensure that a team member is available to assist you.

2. Arrival Time:

Plan to arrive at least 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment time to allow for parking and check-in. Our address and directions are included at the bottom of this email for your convenience.

3. Dress Comfortably:

We recommend wearing comfortable clothing and shoes suitable for walking through different areas of the home model. You’ll want to feel at ease as you explore the space.

4. Questions and Notes:

Feel free to jot down any questions you have about the home model or the purchasing process beforehand. Our team will be happy to address them during your visit. Additionally, you may want to bring a notebook or use your smartphone to take notes and capture any features or details that catch your eye.

5. Budget and Financing:

If you haven’t already, consider your budget and financing options before your visit. Being clear about your budget and financial goals will help us tailor our recommendations to best suit your needs.

6. Enjoy the Experience:

Above all, we want you to enjoy your time exploring our new home model. Take your time, envision yourself living in the space, and let us know how we can assist you in finding your dream home.

If you have any questions or need to reschedule your appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to welcoming you and helping you take the next step toward homeownership.